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Kissflow Low-code JavaScript SDK

Kissflow lets you extend your integrations and run server side functions using the Run Script connector. You can use the Kissflow SDK inside the connector to get application and account details and make API calls.

1. Get context

This function retrieves your account and application’s context information, such as the account ID and application ID.

kf.getContext().then((ctx) => {...})
// or
let ctx = kf.getContext()
fetches contextual information, such as:
ctx = {
app: {_id },
account: { _id }

2. Get API via Kissflow Low-code SDK

This function lets you retrieve any external or Kissflow APIs. To access an internal Kissflow API, use an absolute URL, (i.e., https://{your_sub_domain}{account_id}). The Access key secret must be passed in the header. Refer Access keys to know how to locate your Kissflow API key and secret. Refer the developer guide to know more about our APIs.

Note: The API call timeout for this method is 10 seconds.

kf.api(url, config).then((res) => {...})
// or
let resp = await kf.api(url, config)

3) Formatter functions

Convert to Kissflow date format

This function lets you transform your date into Kissflow’s date format. This conversion is based on the date format specified in your Kissflow account format settings.

kf.formatter.toDate("08-24-2021").then((res) => {...})
// or
let value = kf.formatter.toDate("08-24-2021");
Convert to Kissflow DateTime format

This function lets you transform your date and time into Kissflow’s DateTime format. This conversion is based on the time zone and date format specified in your Kissflow account format settings.

kf.formatter.toDateTime("2021-08-26T14:30").then((res) => {...})
// or
let value = kf.formatter.toDateTime("2021-08-26T14:30");
Convert to Kissflow number format

This function lets you transform your number into Kissflow’s number format.

kf.formatter.toNumber("1,00,000.500000").then((res) => {...})
// or
let value = kf.formatter.toNumber("1,00,000.500000");
Convert to Kissflow currency format

This function lets you transform your current values into Kissflow’s currency format.

kf.formatter.toCurrency("1,00,000.500000", "USD").then((res) => {...})
// or
let value = kf.formatter.toCurrency("1,00,000.500000", "USD");
Convert to boolean

This function converts your value to a boolean value.

kf.formatter.toBoolean("yes").then((res) => {...})
// or
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("yes");
Other supported boolean values
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("1");
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("true");
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("no");
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("0");
let value = kf.formatter.toBoolean("false");